How to Make a Smooth Move

Moving is one of life's most stressful events. The process of moving house can be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. If you've never faced one before, prepare yourself before your heart starts pounding and take a deep breath, because there are many upsetting factors. 

The best thing to do is to prepare for the move in advance. Being well organised and cautious makes the moving process much easier. If this is not your case and you don't consider yourself to be particularly tidy, take note:


Boxes full of clothes from your university days, concert tickets and books you haven't read in years can lead you to waste time looking through them, and it may no longer make sense to keep every single item that once seemed useful. Do you really need them all? Moving house is a good time to turn over a new leaf in your life and it helps to leave material objects behind, and we encourage you to do some real cleaning and keep what really makes you happy.


You like your future home the most, but will it really fit all the furniture you have? Save yourself future problems by creating a floor plan of your new home. Measure your current furniture and check, to scale, if it will fit. If something doesn't fit, you can put it up for sale or donate it before you move in. That way, once you move in, you'll be sure that the pieces you take with you are the ones that fit.


If you don't think ahead and leave packing until the last minute, the clock may tempt you to put your socks and glasses in the same box. That chaos will come back to you when it's time to unpack, so make sure each box only has items from a specific category or room. And don't forget to label them on the outside - even if you think you'll be able to remember what's in each one without a problem, as the days go by and the bundles are counted by the dozen, even the sharpest memories fail. It is also very useful to take an inventory and number the packages.