Don't Let Your Moving Boxes Get A Soggy Bottom!


It’s that time of year. Wet, cold, damp.



We repeatedly blog about the need to keep things going into storage dry to avoid mould, but this weather makes keeping the boxes themselves dry whilst you’re loading a challenge. Wet cardboard boxes not only undo your hard work of packing properly, but wet weakens the integrity of the box, meaning that goods could easily fall through the wet cardboard.

Even if storing in a nice dry environment, wet boxes stacked or packed with other boxes goods can trap humidity, damaging both their contents and surrounding goods.

Here’s our simple, two step plan for keeping your things safe and dry.


1. Protect the boxes

The answer is to pack boxes inside and wrap them boxes with protective film while they’re still dry. easyStorageBoxes, for example, sells a wide reel of ‘stretch wrap’, more commonly known as cling film. If you don’t have any, raid the kitchen for cling film, but you may use up a standard roll very quickly. At a push, bubble wrap would also work, but it’s going to make stacking less easy.  In fact anything plastic, including plastic bags, garbage bags, plastic table cloths etc can work, although you may need to cut them open and tape them to the boxes to keep the boxes dry whilst moving.

You will need to remove the plastic when things get into storage.

Try and resist the temptation of moving things directly in rubbish bags. Firstly it would only ever be of any use for things that won’t break in any case, and secondly plastic can disintegrate and stick to what’s inside. (Plus there’s always a risk that someone may see a rubbish bag and ‘helpfully’ throw it away!

Outdoor furniture covers are also really useful protection, as long as they fit well and are dry.

Don’t forget to mark top and bottom and fragile on the outside of wrappings where appropriate/needed, so that anyone moving them knows to handle them with extra care.

When you arrive at the storage destination, wipe down with a dry cloth and remove the cling wrap/plastic, firstly to ensure that the boxes are intact but mostly to ensure that no water has worked its way in. If it has, work to dry it off - don’t just ignore it.

Use a dry cloth to remove any excess moisture and then dry out and store, especially if your items are tightly packed, as that will prevent drying. Have towels to hand in the car, van or lorry being used to move to dry away any odd drops that have infiltrated whilst loading.

Some people put desiccant or open jars of baking powder/bicarb of soda in their storage units to be doubly sure of removing air moisture.  (I usually add a few drops of vanilla essence or lemon oil) If you do choose to do this, remember that they have a ‘shelf life’ and shouldn’t be relied upon long term.


2. Plan your loading

You can reduce the time it takes to load, and therefore the risk of getting wet, by planning loading in advance. Aim to put in large, heavy items first. Small and light items are faster to load and can also fill gaps.

By having packed boxes (and other items) really to load in this order, close to the exit point (on the dry side of the door!), you’ll work faster and more effectively. Having extra pairs of hands to load or pass goods will also help. (Make sure anyone going out into the rain is well wrapped up, and keep towels to hand.)

If there’s a risk of the lorry or van floor getting wet, consider lining the floor with card or blankets before beginning to load, and dry out before loading.

Of course, if you’re storing with easyStorage, you only need to protect between your front door and the easyPod that’s been brought to you for filling. Moreover, our professionals will be on hand to advise you.


We hope you found this useful. Whether it’s packing materials or storage space, even loading and packing, easyStorage is here to help.